I remember Siani raised the issue in her blogsite. Many have commented that it’s okay as long as you still keep posting your personal articles.
I find blogging as a form of displacement at first. Your daily rants and raves in life kept in an online journal while making reviews of the product and services that are in one way or the other connected to your blog theme, this will be the time that it will become sublimation.
So, would you blog for money? Without a doubt yes. But then again, if you get paid to blog you must do your paid posts according to your preference. This means that the host should allow you to write your opinion about the products, services and websites on your blog. You don’t have to false advertise on blogs. Look for he one that will give you great blog advertising offers with a huge options on review opportunities and scribble your way to earning extra from the campaign offers
Isn’t cool? Getting paid for doing the thing that you are passionate about?

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