I am not supposed to take my one hour break although I have not had a decent meal yet today. I want to meet my quota ahead of time for the reason you know why.
My hands are still trembling. It has been five minutes since I got off the phone talking to our client.
He sent his complaint via email but I walked the extra mile and called him up. Plus the fact that the prompt in our database says he’s a very important client. His cell phone was out of reach so I called him on his landline indicated in his e-mail signature.
I spoke with him in a very calm manner. I need to get the complete details of his complaint in order for me to make a report about his problem. I want the problem to be attended to right away and I need the exact details because the other department won’t give a darn if the details are incomplete.
Based on the e-mail thread, he’s been complaining about the problem and the other department just can’t seem “to know” what’s wrong because all they said in previous reports were “there were no noted problem in the system”.
I’m the client’s advocate here. I know for a fact that a busy person like him (he’s a president of some company) would not waste his time sending e-mail if nothing’s wrong with his account.
There’s something wrong. But the other group needs data. A fresh one.
In the course of probing into his problem, he’s between the this-has-been-bugging-me-for-ages and I-don’t-want-to-answer-your-questions moods.
I kept my cool. Next thing I know, my heart is pounding so hard as if it were to burst out of my chest.
I explained, trying to compose myself that I wanted to help him but I need the details. I know he notice that my voice was shaking.
Yet he kept the status quo. Heaven knows if my assumptions of the details that he gingerly shared would suffice in addressing his concern.
I hung up with my tremors in my hands. I feel flushed. Then I started crying.
This is just another day. An emotional day.
Thank God for the patience and I need more.
I still have to finish the second half of my shift.

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