Whether for economics purposes or just to satisfy your ethos, the best way to promote your product is by getting on with your own website. And before closing the deal with a web host, you might want to test the water and get a free website. Aside from getting back links, the best way to get higher statistics in terms of visitor is incorporating a wiki in your site.
Ooops. I’m not trying to be techy here but it’s always great to learn new things. I’m a changed person. I welcome stressors challenges with open arms!
So what again is a wiki? According to Wikipedia, a wiki is software that allows users to easily create, edit, and link pages together. Wikis are often used to create collaborative websites and to power community websites.
Blogspot is like a free website for bloggers like me (ahem!) and if you are not a blogger and just want to start up on free website you want to make sure that the social platform that you will sign up for will allow you to create free wikis and websites online.
Am I causing aneurysm here? Haha.
Well I just found out about Wetpaint which is not the acrylic paint that you know. It powers wikis in a different way because it gives considerations to techy-wannabe like me. Yeah like an online version of idiot’s guide to free website and wiki. It’s open to all regardless of your profession, hobby or interest.
Since it’s 100% free, I could experiment and create my own amazing wiki website.

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