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My driver's license will be a year expired next week. Yey, it's my birthday!
So before I hit the one year marker, I scheduled to renew it this afternoon at a satellite LTO (Land Transportation Office) here in
It' summer and I was really feeling it.
Equipped with smile and courteousness, I went to LTO. It's 5 minutes past 1:00 p.m. already but the windows are still closed. Hmmm.... overdoing the lunch break...
I handed my license and its receipt still in a plastic jacket to a girl who was grumpy. She appeared more irritated when she can't get to pull out the license and receipt from the jacket and handed it back to me in a grumpy gesture asking me to pull them out.
When dealing with government employees, I always think that they are paid to be grumpy but I know my right and I know how big my tax was last payroll. I'm telling you that 30% taken away from our company bonus would be more than enough to send my niece to a private school.
I still applied my 1-2-3 policy as a customer. This means that if you would bark at me for the third time, I'll be giving you what you deserve.
Actually, I have two spiels in confronting people like this:
1. For private establishment: Miss, ayaw mo na ba ng trabaho mo? (Don't you want to keep your job anymore?)
2. For government employee: Ma'am, alam mo ba kung gaano kalaki ang tax ko last payday? (Do you have any idea how much tax was taken from my salary last payday?)
Good thing the girl just made her uncalled for attitude twice.
In all fairness, I got my license renewal card in less than an hour. This is when I feel that my tax is well spent.
Funny thing though is, the drug test and the medical exam conducted by a third party agency is way expensive than the renewal fee and penalty.
Mind you, these exams are not fool proof at all. For the drug test, you'll just be handed with a urine specimen bottle and you'll be instructed to go into a murky discomfort room, fill the bottle with someone else's your urine hand it back to them then wait 5 minutes for the result. While in the medical exam, you'll be asked to read the Snellen's chart from wherever you are sitting and while the quack doctor was busy scribbling on the official receipt. I felt I was a dork reciting the letters on the chart while all other applicants are listening to me.
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