I felt relieved when I got the certificate from SCB clearing me of any accountability with them. I did not have a bad credit standing with them but let me just say that our relationship went sour. It was not my fault I swear!
Owning a credit card is good as long as you know how to use it. It could be a devil or an angel. This little plastic will give you the power to purchase anything long before you can earn the money that’s supposed to pay the merchandise. But it’s also reliable in case of emergency. And by saying emergency, I mean the real sense of the word and not any fashion emergency.
In my opinion, it’s safe to maintain just one credit card but be sure to get the best one. Itching to get one? Before you finally doodle your personal information in any credit card application form or hit the keyboard and apply for one online, you have to do your homework. Research on the benefits of every possible card you have in mind. First things that you have to consider are the low revolving interest and of course the rewards that you will get when having the plastic swiped. You should also put into consideration the reputation of the credit card company. After making you checklist, compare the cards with one another. You could also ask around. You don’t have to rush things up. Give it a night or two, sleep on choose the one that will help you manage your finances. After all, application is made easy online.

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