It’s my first entry to Thankful Thursday.
First off, I’m thankful that I have found this blog activity because it will help me to become more appreciative of good things that come to my life and halt from complaining on petty things.
Today, I’m thankful because:
1. I was able to sleep at 9:00 PM
2. I was able to rise at 4:30 AM and
3. My and sister and I were able to go to church
4. My friend Tim is coming off her sickness called Hypermesis Gravidarum
5. Me and my family are free from serious illness
6. I have a messy room that I can sleep in
7. I’m not late for work yesterday and today
8. I still have internet connection at discounted cost when others complain of unreliable internet service
9. I’m able to contain myself munching on fruits and wheat bread for the entire week
10. Despite the lack of sleep this week, I am able to perform my duty at work
11. I have given with strength to get on with my life amidst all the pains and worries
I am so thankful that you are joining us this week. We hope that will join us as often as you can.
I am glad that you had plenty of sleep - I should get more of it - lol.
Blessings to you and yours.
Welcome to thankful thursday, so glad you are here. I liked your thankful list, bless you.
Welcome to Thankful Thursday! I'm so glad you joined us!! I think you will love the discipline it requires each week to reflect on blessings. I love it!!
I can particularly relate to number 1& 2 on your list. I LOVE going to bed early and getting up very early. There's something incredible about being up before anyone else is.
Have a wonderful day!!
Welcome to thankful thursday. This has become a part of my every week life. I love participating. It makes you stop and think of good things. Thanks for sharing yours. God Bless!
Happy Thankful Thursday!
So blessed you joined in with us.
Yes, being grateful is so good for the soul. We just have so much, we just need to stop, look around and know God has blessed us indeed.
Welcome to Thankful Thursday :)
Welcome to Thankful Thursday! Thanks so much for sharing. Glad you and your sister were able to go to church. Blessings on your day.
Welcome to TT! It's great to have you. I enjoyed your list this week. Sounds like you had a nice full night of sleep last night. How wonderful!!
Welcome to Thankful Thursday. I pray that God continues to give you eyes to see His blessings in your life and a soft heart to respond to His goodness.
Yes its true its nice to be in this meme. WElcome and enjoy being here. People here are nice. Take care.
This is also my first TT. Welcome and may God bless you with this. Have a wonderful TT.
You have a great list of thanks and welcome! Getting a good nights rest is such a blessing and sleeping in is such a treat. Most people don't get enough sleep and also praise God you and your family are healthy. What a blessing!
Have a wonderful day!
Hi and welcome to TT. Glad you could join in.
Thisis one of the most mportant things I do all week. giving praise and thanks to our Father for the abundance of living.
See you next week. God Bless, Lynn
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