Friday, January 4, 2008

Lollipop! Lollipop!

Last night, as we headed our way out of the office, I bumped into a friend, Marvin. I was wearing this nice silk blouse and my long thick hair was just clamped up, as usual.
He commented that I was so thin. Actually many are noticing that I'm getting thinner and thinner which I don't notice by the way because I still have the appetite of a construction worker except for the past days because I had enteritis.
Maybe that's it! I was dehydrated and it made me shrink but just a little.
I just felt ridiculed when Marvin said that I look like a lollipop already. It's the first time for me to hear a person being compared to a lollipop.
Do I really look like a lollipop? All head and a stick to support it? Why not Tweety Bird?

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Anonymous said...

You have a nice figure that I envy. Don't listen to him he's just insecure.:-) besides, he's the only one who told you that so don't believe him. But lollipops are sweet, maybe that's what he meant.

SandyCarlson said...

You're beautiful. It's fascinating to me that men comment on a woman's weight. How about, "You look pretty?" or "You look beautiful?" Yeesh.