This afternoon, we had our second team meeting since October 2007.
This was the most grueling meeting ever not because there had been information overload but the a/c is freezing cold. While it can be adjusted (by requesting from our security guards) none has thought of it since first, we thought that the meeting would only last a little over an hour but it went on for almost three hours and second, the issues are kind of intense.
Being those who handle electronic communications with our subscribers, our name are always at stake when ever we scribble our rejoinders.
We have been lashed by pressing issues brought to the attention of our company's big wigs and these have been perennial.
I’m feeling the pressure especially on my team leader.
Our team leader extracted 3 transactions for our case study. She would just want to check if we are one in decoding customer's e-mail.
In those three e-mails, emotions and severity of the writers' are observed. However, the correspondents merely stuck with the canned message and aftersales guidelines that caused agitation to the customers and prompted them to direct their concerns to other channels.
Everyone agreed though the agents who composed the rejoinders were there, that something was absolutely wrong.
As I have said before, I don't believe in the policy that "customers are always right" but they have the right to be treated right.
Thinking out of the box in our team is essential especially in crucial situations. I have been irritated by other groups sticking to the standard business process.
I learned how to be receptive not perfectly though but at least my stay in the company has taught me the hard way in becoming sensitive to other's feelings and needs.
IMAO, why say: No, it's not possible when you can say: Let's see what we can do?
This again applies to pressing matters and not to baloney customers who want to extort suck everything from a service provider.
Again, I'm just thinking aloud and out of the box.

Hi!Were you asking before what happened during the meeting I attended?You've said it all here.
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