It was my third attempt to get a slot for the IV therapy training at the Philippine Heart Center. Sadly, they can only accommodate 40 participants and among the 200++ who came, I was on the 47th slot. The registration started at 8:00 am and I arrived at 4:30 am. Can you believe that? It was like a queue at the US Embassy a few years back.
As a consolation, people from number 41 to 60 were put on the waiting list just in case any of the 40 registrants backs out. Wish!
I was also on the waiting list the second time I was there. I was 30th but they experimented with changed the system and used the drawlots system. Unfortunate as I can be, I was not picked out.
Okay, to be sure that I will be getting in the first 10 slots, I will be standing by the PHC in the evening of March 3 until the registration starts on March 4.
I know, this is not about luck. This is about perseverance.
It's just so sad that people who came in ahead of me had their friends listed and then they just let them sign when they arrived past 6:00 today.
As my officemate said, that can never be removed from our system (character).
I went straight to the office at 9:30 am and tried to sleep at the decompression room. I was able to snooze for less than an hour. I decided to start working at 11:00 am and sublimate my frustration.
My shift starts at 1:00 pm and ends at 10:00 pm. It's a very long day for me

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