Although I was feeling sick as a dog yesterday, I tried my hardest to go to the office. The sun was too proud glaring at me aggravating my condition.
I went straight to the clinic for a consult. Three people whom I stumbled upon on my way up commented that I looked sick.
I looked sick because I was really sick. I just can’t stand the thought that I was treated like a notorious liar when I called in sick yesterday. The last time I had an unplanned leave was in October last year. If my memory serves me right.
The doctor gave me a 2-day sick leave. The diagnosis? AURTI or Acute Upper Respiratory Tract Infection. Antibiotics, antitussive, analgesic and antipyretics were prescribed.
I went up and presented the Sick Report form to my team leader. When I’m sick I’m really emotional. I broke down in between horrible coughing telling her that why it’s so hard for them to believe that I am sick? I asked her if I would be the one to bring the form to bridge management. She said, it’s okay she’ll be the one to inform the group.
On my way home, it occurred to me who the heck was the effin’ OIC who only approved for me to get halfday SL. It was my team leader! It was confirmed by another team leader.
Okay, just because Saturday and Sunday were my restdays, it does not mean that I can’t be sick the following day.
It made me freaked out because of all people why it’s me who she suspects of malingering?
I have been loyal to the team rendering overtime everyday even on my restdays being in the office for straight 20 days in the past. Although the primary reason was monetary, but the thing is, I was there and I helped the group deliver.
I just don’t deserve this.
I’m not a liar. I am not malingering.
I think I was able to prove her wrong.
Shame on her.
Right now I’m still at home. No longer feverish but my eyes look like barking coughing hard and when I cough I have tendencies of throwing up.

Yuck- I sure hope you're feeling better. Isn't it awful to have a supervisor like that? I've had some like that in the past and it's so annoying.
Livin' With Me
That is what I meant with, "do you know?".Hope you are fine now.
I thought you wouldn't figure it out. hope you're feeling better now.
I thought you wouldn't figure it out. hope you're feeling better now.
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