When was the last time you received a surprise in the mail, and what was it?
A couple of years back when I've got 2 jars of Nescafe Gold. They were given to us (my officemate also had hers) as token when we wrote a comment at a free-taste booth on our office lobby.
I love brewed coffee and this instant coffee variant is the closest to it and is the cheapest in the market.
If you could have a summer and/or winter home, where would you want it to be?
I'd love to have it in Boracay. I just love its powdery white sand.
Pick one: pineapple, orange, banana, apple, cherry.
Banana. I love to put sliced banana in my banana nut crunch and i love banana shakes too. Study shows that bananas cure depression. Bananas contain tryptophan, a protein that converts to the neurotransmitter serotonin. Serotonin is responsible for the happy mood. So I call banana, the happy fruit!
Bananas also relieve hangovers since it's rich in potassium.
Main Course
Describe the nicest piece of clothing that you own.
It's a silk spaghetti strap blouse that was made in Thailand which I bought on eBay at a very cheap cost. I wore it today in the office and most of the people in our office liked it.
DessertIf you could forget one whole day from your life, which day would you choose to wipe from your memory?
The day I've got the letter from the stateboard that I had to re-apply because I failed the exam. My world swirled everything went dark and I felt cold and numb. I'm glad that I'm back on my feet. Thanks to Super Banana!

Your soup looks lovely...thank you for the information about bananas (I knew about the potassium part but nothing else). Great feast...thank you for stopping by! *SMILES*
I love Nescafe Gold and bananas as well! :D
Hehe ... I have to get some super bananas!! Isn't tryptophan the stuff in turkey that makes you sleepy though?? Maybe not! Have a super banana weekend! :)
I like your Feast! Especially your soup. :D
Mine's up too.
Love the Nescafe gold! I also like bananas very much, it's probably the only fruit I will eat.
Happy FF and have a great 2008. Thanks for stopping by!
I've never heard of Boracay but it looks lovely. I'll have to go do some research.
Ugh on the dessert!
Your blouse and vacation spot sound fantastic!
Thanks for stopping by.
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