Heath Ledger 1979 – 2008
I loved him in A Knight’s Tale.
He danced very manly. I have this thing for wifebeater looks.
Wifebeater in the sense that they look tough on the outside yet soft in the inside.
I was shocked to learn about his death.
Police suspects OD of drugs specifically prescription and OTC meds. I’m not surprised but I’m hoping it’s something else. Celebretards are celebretards. Popping pain killers and meths is part of their lives. Apart from suffering from body morphism which is common among women and alcoholism. DUI charges seem to be their crowning glory.
His other hit movies include The Patriot, 10 Things I Hate About You, Monster's Ball and
He moved me in this movie. Although I must admit it took me two attempts to finish it because I’m not used to seeing 2 men making out.
I feel so sad. I really am.

Holy s**t. I had no idea. He broke my heart in Brokeback Mountain and now, the acting force that was Heath Ledger is no longer available to be reckoned with. I can not believe I had not heard.
Thanks for posting.
I loved him (as an actor) I have his movies Knight's Tale, Patriot and Four Feathers. I am going to miss him... Thanks for your post! *tear*
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