Sunday, November 18, 2007

shoe-s shoeses!

When I moved into my ate's house, I disposed of some of my unused and rarely used shoes because the space I’m occupying here is smaller. In my doldrums days, I shopped on eBay and next thing I know, I have a much smaller space to walk on in my room!
I have been eyeing the shoe cabinet in our officer's decompression room, the sleeping room that is. I think it's perfect for bag storage as well. My bags need home because they are occupying huge part of my bed.
Most of my shoes and bags are not branded. As I self-confessed, I’m the poor man's Nicole Richie. I think I need to work my rear off real hard before I could afford Manolos or Jimmy Choo. Well they are on my long-term goal list and I know that they are achievable in this life time.
This afternoon, I chanced upon our office admin's staff and I asked her about the caibnet. There's nothing fancy about the cabinet, I mean the material is the same as the ones used for furniture I see in stores. That’s why I was surprised to find out that it was pasadya made especially for our office.
The nice admin girl told me that she would ask the contractors if they could make one for me.

Oh man! I wish they could otherwise I need to find a shoe/bag cabinet stat before I trip walking tip-toe in my room and I literally wake up on the wrong side of the bed.

Poor man's Nicole Richie