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I was able to complete my IV therapy cases: 6 IV insertion, 6 IV medications incorporation and 2 blood transfusion. Ssshhh, I was scheduled to have my completetion on January 8 to 10 but I was informed that I could show up at the hospital even if I was not scheduled. I aked permission though from the hospital's training department and they gave me a nod. So I went there on my offs at the office and after 2 tiring days of running from one nurse's station (about 6 each floor) on all 6 floors, I was able to finish it. I'm imagining interns on Grey's Anatomy trying to get ahead of each other in getting a good case. It was like that. This afternoon, I was able to pass my completion form at ANSAP and in 2 months, I could get my IV card already. Hurray! 
It might be considered as the most awaited event in a couple’s life. And it makes complete sense to be meticulous in choosing a wedding planner because it could make or break the occasion. Good thing there are companies that know Wedding Planning by heart which you could find at Wedding Planning that has been helping brides and grooms to be on right track in making their way through the hassles of wedding preparations since 1997. Actually this wedding planning site does not stop at helping wedding preparation as it also combines free, interactive planning tools, expert’s advice, inspirational photos, a local vendor guide, a patented online registry system and so much that would make a couple’s wedding stress free. It’s like getting a bullion out of a fortune cookie.
How many days we got until Christmas? Are you still thinking of the best gift for your guy? Guess what idea I got form E! on the perfect gift for your significant other – cool gadgets, handy hardware, a full season of Soprano, money clip and NFL jerseys. I searched on the latter and found out this cool online shop that offers the hottest NFL uniform sets for only P39.99. Whatever team he is rooting for, you could get here. You could also get Major League Baseball, National Football League, National Hockey League, NCAA Collegiate merchandise such as Rally Caps, Fan Faces, and Head wigs and other youth sports equipment here. They have also got NFL sets for kids so if you’ve got a full grown up boy and a little one, you could surprise them both. Delivery will not be a problem because you could choose from ground, 3-day, 2-day or overnight delivery for a very minimal delivery fee. These are all included in their Guaranteed Delivery service. The site has also a guaranteed secure online shopping that you could check through their customer ratings and review. Remember, gift giving should be fun and not a burden. Oh and don’t forget to get him shoulder pads.
Before I punched out of the office and I headed for the grocery, I rang home using my teammate's phone access to ask m niece what she wants from the store. My office line was not working the whole day.
My niece picked up the line at home and said "hello?", then I said, Hello sweet!, she said Hello? so I said Hello? We kept the cycle for about 30 seconds then she passed the phone to Manang. I asked Manang if I could talk again to my niece, then she passed back the phone to her. this is when I asked, why did you pass the phone? She said, well you just keep on saying hello! Hahaha. I thought she was not hearing me, it turned out that she was just pissed that I was not saying anything apart from hello. My bad, i thought the line was bad that she cannot hear me. 
Will help you prevent gaining so much.
Yeah, after getting the smack-right-in-the-middle comment from my doctor, my feeling of being a complete fullmoon has been signed, sealed and delivered. It's 3:00 a.m. and as expected I am still up because the Biggie Iced Tea I got from Wendy's is still kicking in my blood. I had a little serving of dinner at 7:00 a.m.and I think I am not a slob if I give in to the growl of my insides. Doing away from carbs and fats, I did not dare open our company christmas package to rummage on anything that i could push down my throat. I instead grabbed an apple from the fridge. I feel full but I do not feel sleepy yet. 
I saw the giant Christmas tree at Rockefeller Plaza has been lit. It is Christmas season! This means, it is gift-giving time. Yey! While some are stressing too much finding the best presents for their loved ones, you can just sit back, relax and let your fingers do the shopping for you. If you are looking costume jewelry for your girl friends, look no further. Just go Holsted. Get the beauty, craftsmanship and quality of fashion finds dubbed as jewelry wardrobes that will put a smile on the face of the person you will give your gift to. Running on a budget? Go get the special “set savings” deals.

I consider myself now as low-maintenance person. Unlike before, I now splurge on simple things mostly gastronomic. I am a sucker for Wendy’s Shrimp Sandwich, fries and light iced tea. Using MasterCard PayPass at Wendy’s would entitle you to a free Biggie upsize which will save you around P30.00 (less than a dollar) and I am taking advantage of it. It’s really the best time at Wendy’s!

I have this colds for over as week already. It is not a nagging cough neither a productive one but it is bothersome when I cough. Our in house doctor doesn’t want to give me antibiotic because I am still on (tapered dose) steroids instead he sent me to my nephrologist for a consult. Thing is, the nephro was trapped in Thai airport stand off and she just got back in town yesterday. I had my check up this afternoon. I was weighed as standard assessment. I gained 2 kilos. When she saw my medical record she just said: Oh, you gained two kilos in your cheeks! I was thinking: Thanks to you!

In the fast-paced era, everything is now beginning to be computer based. Simply because people want things to be done fast. While it is advantageous to make things all managed by power robots, there is still dangers with it. A disaster recovery software disaster recovery software should be in place to ensure data management and protection. That is why your data should be backed up by the top data warehouse that specializes in data protection for 40 years. It would not hurt if it has been named as one of the top 100 vendors in the world for seven straight years in taking care of your software that include Linux, Windows and UNIX environments.

I have sweet tooth, well just for pastries especially cakes. Now that my cholesterol level is almost close to normal, I am giving myself a green light to splurge on the sinful foods that I have deprived myself of for months. Last Sunday, an officemate has talked me into buying her chocolate dome cake which was a bit pricey. Fooled by the look of the cake and taking the seller's word for it, I caved in. I was really frustrated when I have tasted it. It could pass for a cake baked in a cheap bakery in my neighborhood the only difference is its price could buy rubbish cake that could feed two families. The taste was really awful. I texted my chum and told her about it and she agreed. She was able to take a bite of that annoying cake. When I bumped into the seller, she asked me how was it, well I just smiled. I cannot lie. I would only say the food is good when it is good. And when I say it is good, I could proudly say that it is good. I even wonder why people say the food is good when they are not. Ah, poor taste I guess? Or they have not tasted the good version of the food that they consider "good". So when a friend of mine approached me to sell this rebel cake, I had second thoughts. Should I cave in again? Well I can't resist the look (for the love of me, again!) so I got a box. I have not tasted it yet but I jokingly told my friend that if it did not taste good I'll strangle her. hahaha UPDATE: the rebel cake is good. Not divine, but good! 
I used to enjoy podcasts of my favorite TV drama and movies. For me, it is an enjoyable means of getting informed as you could carry it along on your music player and do other things simultaneously. It is like playing songs that will keep you company. No wonder Capella University has adopted this in their online degree programs. Its podcast features discussions of state-approved reading and literacy programs. These podcasts are updated regularly that feature interviews with its own Capella students, faculty and staff sharing the experience of the advantages online education. These podcasts last about 15 minutes long and can be downloaded at
Oh, and they are also downloadable from iTunes. This blog post was based on information provided by Blogitive. For more information, please visit 
Yesterday was the last day of my intravenous therapy training. It was the day of return demonstration where you we actually performed five different IV procedures infront of preceptors from setting up an IV line, IV insertion, total parenteral nutrition (both central and peripheral lines), blood transufions on dummy and actual IV insertion on your partner. They had to make us feel how it is to be inserted with an IV. Duh?! I made it through. I just have to be back on January 8 to 10 with my partner to complete our actual cases as required by the registration body. We shall be on duty in this military hospital to actually perform what we have learned before we could get our license. I am excited that I decided to just stay at home the whole day today. I cooked Spanish sardines pasta and made an iced tea. 
Have you ever heard of Alice Greenfingers 2, Treasure Seekers: Visions of Gold, Forgotten Lands: First Colon, Hidden Mysteries: Buckingham Palace or Redrum? Well I have not until I learned about the Casual Games Downloads. They are among the downloadable and online games at this mouthwatering site name You could get PC games downloads, MAC downloads or just play online games. Getting these cool stuff are so easy. Just create an account with them and you are just a few clicks away for getting the online treat of your life. Sample their wide selections like puzzle games, Arkanoid games, arcade games, (woopee!), shooter games, driving or flying games and a whole lot more. You could even play Mah Jong! And if you will like being alone, try the Solitaire For Dummies as if gives a new definition to the old boring online solitary. You will never look at solitary the same again once you have tried this cool version. Your idea of casual games are all here. You can also get idea of what is the hottest game because the top 10 downloaded games are regularly updated. Do not get left behind. Start your own game empire right now.
What’s your idea of fun? Some people go clubbing, yachting, road tripping, cruising or some spend big on casinos. Those are for outdoor junkies but here are people who are home bound or just want to be confined in the comforts of home or just wherever their comfort zones are. Playing DVD marathons, play stations, computer games or online games. Speaking of online games, playing casino online is now making waves. It is no longer the millionaire’s game where you have to be all suit up. That is why people of all walks of life could dig in and still feel like a king or queen. You can download the software and get on the virtual tables and hit on slot machines instantly! Thanks to Golden Palace Casino which has been one of the leading online casinos for so many years already. Here, Golden Palace Casino new players can receive up to a whopping $300 in free casino bonus money! Golden Palace Casino is an all-international casino that offers players the option of using US dollars, euros, pounds, sterling, and a lot more. It also runs in English, Spanish, and French. Golden Palace is powered by Playtech online casino software you can be sure that you are on the safe site.

The other day, I was just drooling over his food trip in Laos. Next ting I know, Anthony Bourdain was here! The traveler and chef from No Reservations was here. I learned in the new paper early this week. He had the taste of Spanish-Filipino cuisines through CafĂ© Ysabel. Geez, I forgot the name of the owner because I was really into the details of how Tony loved the dishes served to him. Well, most of them are Spanish sounding I can’t imagine any Filipino side of it. but he loved the sisig matched with pale pilsen. He was also welcomed by our local celebrity-chef Judy Ann Santos. I learned that Tony reserves his appetite for hearty meals on cam but in his trip to the Philippines was an exception for he tried a sumptuous treat off cam. The episode is set to be shown in January. I sucked at narrating his trip here anyway and I could find the article anymore. Blah!

I need an eye fix. Not surgically though. I only wear my glasses in the office infront of the PC. I have never been comfortable wearing glasses but contact lenses for my eyes’ case are so expensive. Good thing there are Holiday Glass Frames From Zenni Optical. It is a The The popular online eyeglasses shop that offers $ 8 Complete Rx Eyeglasses . Now, I could find a perfect eyeglass for me that are truly eye candy.

What’s more to Colorado than the Colorado Falls? It’s a secret I have to share. If you happen to read my recent post about Denver’s best, you might want also to check the beauty schools in colorado . You do not have to hop in stat into this wonderful state. You could have your fingers do the work by searching on the best beauty school that will cater to your requirement or preference. You could check on each accredited beauty school in the United States which is easily searchable by state or by zip code. The links to matched websites are available it is easy for you check them out for yourself. Go get those fingers working! Who knows, you might bump into gold .

I can't do anything about the glutton that I am feeling. Instead of starving myself, I thought of stuffing my gut instead of healthy stuff.
I decided not to deal with the 3 rice-meal a day anymore. I just have to turn to healthy fillers like fruits, wheat bread and veggies. No carbs as much as possible.
My tummy is bulging out already. My face is a perfect full moon. I used to be half moon hahaha.
I know I can't hit the gym as yet. I don’t' have running shoes, I don't have the budget yet to get new pair and to enroll to the gym.
I am still working on it. The budget that is. And it means I don't have spare time also since I always render overtime.
Like today. It's my restday but I opted to go to work.

My doctor has decided to taper the dosage omitting 5 mg per week from the original 50 mg.
I am happy with the lab results. My Creatinine:Protein ratio has gotten back to normal. My cholesterol level is now close to normal and my urine is no longer dark and frothy although I am not still used to waiting several hours to put out the fuilds that I take in. My doctor said it's nothing to be concerned of since I don't have edema and my creatinine is normal.
We are to meet on December 18th which means I am still on steroids until and after then.
My concern is, I have an appetite of a monster! 
You know what I am into lately? Food! Blame in on my steroids. I could actually eat everything I could lay my hands on. Every night I am glued to Travel and Living channel enjoying every gastronomic show. So imagine when I hear about these cool Denver Restaurants in an online listing? Yeah, I just want to pack my bag and teleport myself this part of Colorado. I want try all the best things the state has offer from American, French, Italian, Mediterranean, Cuban to Mexican tummy fillers. For one I know I won’t get lost when I have got Denver Magazine on hand. Fashon trends, gastronomic delights, hotels, business and people are just some of the important information you could squeeze out from the journal.

I don't know what it is called but I a day idling in my crib has made me open the stove and raid the cup board of anything edible throw them in pan and voila! It's a mixture of fish tofu, spinach, tuna, olive oil and tomato paste on top of salad macaroni.. Since no one dared to eat, I finished it all! **** GRRRRR....just when I was uploading th picture, something has gotten into the mouse and it deleted the pictures!!!!! Oh crap! 
Princess Diaries is now being shown on Disney Channel and I can’t really believe that the mean cheerleader there was Mandy Moore. I mean I am not used to seeing her blonde. I always remember her as the semi-red head brunette in A Walk to Remember. So just to fill in my curiosity, I went on to search for Mandy Moore Gallery. Here I saw that Mandy is indeed blonde and she’s pulled it off. I am really appalled. It’s been a while since I have been last updated with her gigs and I am glad that I was able to hop on this site where it does not only feature galleries of famous celebrities but like Nikki Cox it also houses fully loaded stuff like news, blogs, fashion and shopping. Everything essential in life is all right here. Into writing? You could also submit your article related to fashion and get it published within 24 hours. Cool! You could also get and give Maternity Clothes Advice that I find handy since I have tons of friends who are expecting. I just have to send them the link and their on their way to being fabulous. I am really loving this site.

It was March since I last went to the salon. Since my naturally frizzy hair is now making a scene, it's time for it to be tamed by tying it in pony tail. Well I think I could still spare some time ironing the roots. I am planning to get a hair treatment in December but I am still thinking between having my tresses rebonded or just have it dyed. I am tired of being brunette. I want to lighten up. I can't have my hair dyed and rebonded at the same time so I have to choose. I still have a month to decide. If I will be going for the rebonding thing, I have to chop some extra locks off because if ever I will be practicing in a hospital, my hair needs to be pulled back in a bun so it won't touch my nape. It's a hospital rule. And tying your hair after rebonding is like throwing some serious bucks on the street. Smells like I will be channelling Anna Wintour or Katie Holmes. But if will just have my hair colored (still a conservative shade though), I could still keep my hair a bit longer and I can manage to tie it up and the color can still be noticed.

"S.E.R.V.I.C.E. is an important component of the Smart Communities Program, providing Smart employees an array of choices in rendering community service."
For three years, I have been wanting to use my community service leave to take part in our community service program. Finally, I was able to get a slot. Good thing my teammates have ran out of leave credits. hahaha It was last Friday when we headed to Ipo Dam in Bulacan to plant trees. Ipo Dam is one of the three water reservoirs that provde water supply to Metro Manila.This watershed covers 6,600 hectares in Norzagaray and San Jose del Monte, Bulacan. Thirty percent of the Ipo watershed is deforested due to illegal logging and mining. About two hours bus ride from Manila, we reached the site around 9:00 a.m.
We took the 20-minute boat ride to the planting site. It was really calming. We reached the site, we (16 employees) grouped into to and went on planting. It rained the previous day so the soil was wet and muddy. It was nto sunny which was a great thing but still I really sweat like I hit the gym. We were able to plant 1058 seedlings. I just wish they would all turn into trees.
For the past couple of days, I have been trying to post some pictures for this entry but blogspot seems to be buggy. Since this is long overdue, I have decided to post in anyway and I will just try to paste on some pictures.

As I scan through the cable channels, I chanced upon Travel and Living's Bizarre Foods' episode exploring the gastronimic side of my country. The host, Andrew Zimmern was really game trying on weird food that I myself won't dare pop in my mouth. It made my gut squirm. 
I am so happy! After four attempts of getting a slot in the IV (intravenous) Training program, I have finally made it through. Hooray! Well I was there at 3:00 a.m. and I was already the tenth soul waiting in line. I am really excited and I thank God for the opportunity.

Since Friday, I have been craving for Lechon Manok (roast chicken) so yesterday I asked 3 of my teammates if they want to buy one for lunch and will part the chicken into quarter. It’s really satisfying. We ate our parts with massive amount of rice plus coke zero! The life! Now, I have to deal my water retention problem. It occurred to me right after my sister scolded me that the chicken was marinated in a gazillion amount of sodium! Good thing Lasix comes handy.

Having choices is one of the most exciting parts of our life.Whether it s about career, family, love, business or health. Speaking of health, it is great to know that there are companies who have dedicated their industry in housing online retailers of life enhancing products that include medical equipment in the United States. These retailers include mainstream consumer retail products like the Exercise & Fitness Equipment, Nutritional Dietary Supplements, Maternity and Baby Supplies that also include Outdoor Gear. You might want to check as it takes pride of 55,000 products, under 50 categories and hundreds of sub-categories. Here you can choose to Shop by Category, Shop by Brand or Shop by Condition. And by signing up, you could also avail of the huge discounts and limited offers. This is what choices are all about.

Being in the billed service industry, I am aware of the other side of the business, collection. There are just some clients who in one way or another fails to settle their obligations causing to shoot up to some really serious cost. Accounts have been endorsed to third party collection agency but some of these accounts have been returned due to failure to collect. Debt Collection is a serious thing of the business and in order for one to survive, this task must b handled by competitive ones. Someone has to ensure that client’s profitability gets a clear view. The debt collection should be trusted to the one that has proven the system that includes low-cost fee structure, a customer-friendly industry and a very diplomatic intervention. Since the traditional collection becomes moot and academic, a new breed of collection approach is a must to ensure management of past due accounts. Every billed service company should get the service of the third party collection agency that promises to get results by offering different solutions to ensure that the service is tailor made for your collection needs. Get the service of the company that will develop a course of action that is right for you.

When I was in college, I had to deal with issues on becoming a little overweight. I know that I was not fat but the thing is, my roommates were all skinny. While they were lounging around at home in their undies, I was in my pajamas trying to hide my lumps. After several years, I lost some of my fats, naturally. Lucky me I guess. That insecurity I have had in college makes me understand how it feels how to be overweight I mean especially for the people who are in one way or another tipping off the weighing scale. Especially those who are really up on their feet eating right, living a healthy life and going to the gym but for some reason, they cannot seem to shake off those unwanted and unsightly fats. I cannot blame these peoples if they seek little help by popping some best diet pills. But my stand is it has to be tested and carefully evaluated by the experts to ensure that one is safe in achieving the ideal weight loss. You have to make sure that product reviews and information are always available. You might want to visit to find the best diet pills safely and effectively.

Being a not-so techy person, I find it hard making my personal space on the internet, appealing. I know that it pains my readers to figure out what is my theme but the lack of knowledge and resources in getting a blog power tool is a quest for me. So since I am feeling a bit better, (finally!) I have searched on the things that will help me revive my blogspot. I was able to check on free images for bloggers that will are very catchy and edgy.The choices are unlimited since it is hosted for bloggers and photographers. This Acobox will aid bloggers like me to make their blog posts an eye candy for everyone. They make sure that all of the images are of high quality and optimized for blog postings. By hosting the images , the users can get image by copying a piece of image code with a click, and then put it into the blog post with Ctrl-v or copy paste, no more searching, copying, resizing, uploading. Any theme that you have in your blog or any visual that you will require, you can find it here. Different themes, people, places and a whole lot more are available here. Coolness!

A week after being sent from the hospital and still a little edematous, I was sent to 4-day training. I was the last person in our team to have it. I was so worried that the training that includes lots of thinking and computation would exacerbate my health condition. I am trying to avoid things that would cause me stress. I am thankful that it’s over and I was able to pass the revalida plus I was able to ask permission from the trainer if I could elevate my feet on a chair.

A week after being sent from the hospital and still a little edematous, I was sent to 4-day training. I was the last person in our team to have it. I was so worried that the training that includes lots of thinking and computation would exacerbate my health condition. I am trying to avoid things that would cause me stress. I am thankful that it’s over and I was able to pass the revalida plus I was able to ask permission from the trainer if I could elevate my feet on a chair.

I am not new to this. Legally I am on steroids with regulated dosage of course. I feel that I am a cookie monster when in front of anything that is edible. Problem is, I am supposed to be on low fat, low sodium and low protein diet. I am also limited to 1000 cc of fluid in a day so I cannot substitute anything that is filling with basically anything. 
For people who are always on the go like me, making podcast available for Inside Online Education is a dandy tool. It is good to know that Capella University’s is now offering through its online degree the discussion of state-approved reading and literacy program through this medium. The podcasts that can also be subscriber through iTunes contain real life statements through interviews with Capella students, faculty and staff who give insights experience of online education from a first-person point of view. For those you did know, Capella was founded in 1993 and is the leading full time online graduate school for busy professionals like me.
This blog post was based on information provided by Blogitive. For more information, please visit

Admittedly, I was the one who introduced HSM to my eldest niece. Between HSM and HSM 2 she is very much hooked on the latter. Even though she is not yet proficient in reading, she has memorized all the songs including the steps. Since HSM3 will note be shown in cinemas, I am thinking of bringing her to the moviehouse. At least I have a valid excuse to channel the HS in me!
Naturally, I don’t crave for foods that are high in sodium nitrates, salts and fats. I am generally a fruit, veggie and fluid person but due to some problems in my kidney, I am retaining water and my low-density lipoproteins (LDL) has shot up about 200% the normal value. As such, I have instructed to eat generally bland food. Arrgh! I pray that this problem would just go away.

In the upcoming US Presidential election the heat is surging up. In the recently concluded Presidential debate, both Senators John McCaine and Barck Obama have showed off their plans for the economy. Even the average Joe the Plumber has has he 15-minutes of fame. One thing I have bee noticing is, a lot of celebrities and big private entities are rooting for Obama. For example, Mark & Associates, P.C., a leading personal injury law firm that houses maritime lawyer has expressed that their hats are off to this Democratic presidential nominee. It was noted that Obama has pledged his support to Jones Act, a 1920 law which pays workers’ compensation benefits for seamen who are hurt in the line of duty.

I am excited that I was able to register my nieces for the officer’s annual trick or treat. I passed on last year’s gimmick because we went out of town. But since I am considering that this might be the last trick or treat for me (not that I am dying haha), I decided to sign up my nieces. I have been scrapping off the fairies and witches costume ideas I want my nieces to just enjoy the day running around the office.

I have had submitted myself to National Kidney and Transplant Institute (NKTI) for a series of lab workups. It has been a month that I have this edema (fluid retention) and I have started on steroids already last Thursday along with a new brand and lowered dosage of medicine to lower my cholesterol. I know for a fact the NKTI is a government hospital but I did not go in as an indigent patient. All the bills are being shouldered by my employer that is why I am expecting a better service. Being requested for a number of times to go to the lab for tests and claim them then submit the results to my nephrologists is an exasperating task for me. I cannot be up on my feet for long periods because the force of gravity pulls my liquid to my ankles. And admittedly, I am scared to look at my feet. Last Friday was my restday, all day long I remained in bed with a few trips to the comfort room and kitchen And I feel relieved that the swelling has subsided. But not for long because when I reported for work yesterday, it began to swell again. I am scheduled to for a follow up check up on October 30 but I am thinking of going for a second opinion.

Do you play casino or any form of gambling? I have not tried but some of my office mates say that it is really fun. I know someone who won 50 grand one time. It inspired him to always go at casino. He knows how to manage it though.
With the popularity of casino games, it is all around and there is now an online casino. Well, it would be a better thing because you do not have to get out of your house to play. It pays to go to a casino review site so that you will be able to find out which one is the best. Go to Casino.De. They have the news and information about the best casinos in the World Wide Web. If you are looking for an objective and trusted review, they are the ones who can give it to you. You could see there online casinos rated as to pay out bonus, software quality, customer service and support. You would see there where to play your favorite game like the famous blackjack and poker. If you would like to make sure that you will get some winnings, better review the casino you are going first.
And speaking of fashion trendy TV drama, I was again mesmerized by the blings worn by the characters there. I am a sucker for fashion jewelry because they truly make or break your overall appearance. So I suggest that if you are doubtful of which set goes with a get up or which set is ideal for a specific occasion, trust the company that has a reputation of over 37 years in providing savvy, stylish and affordable jewelry. When it comes to exceptional quality and great customer friendly service Holsted Jewelers is THE shop. You've got to wear to believe.
During my bedrest period, I was able to catch up on my favorite TV series on DVD. I was able to finish Season 1 of Gossip Girl and I was able to finish Season 2 of Ugly Betty. I was trying to keep my mind away from the thing that had caused me to be on sick leave.

I have been on not totally bed rest since Saturday last week until Thursday. Monday I went to our office clinic to get the home medications. My bad cholesterol has doubled its value due to my kidney problem. Tuesday, I went back to see the nephrologists to submit the lab result for the biopsy and the anti ds DNA. Since she found out that the biopsy and anti ds DNA are contradicting, she ordered the final test on the tissue remaining (saved in the lab) to confirm or rule out what she is suspecting. I am too scared to mention it. She also ordered for a fecalysis since I was complaining of diarrhea and asked me to stop taking Lipitor for three days. I went back to the office to get the form from the clinic so that I won't have to pay for the lab fees. Wednesday, I went back to the hospital to submit the stool specimen and to request for the final test. Now I am in limbo. I am praying that I don't have that disease for I won't be able to practice my profession as a nurse in January. I have passed my California stateboard exam.

In this techy era, where our daily activities are anchored to the internet and our lifeline is the software, we have to be prepared for any untoward incidents that might be caused system breakdown. We have to be sure that we always have back up in terms of data management and data protection. We have to be equipped by a disaster recovery software powered by one of the top Data Warehouse 100 Vendors. I am talking about Syncsort Incorporated which boasts of its reputation for superior data protection and data management and a dependable technical support. Trust me you don't want to be crashing down once you have encountered a computer crash down.
