We had more than a month of preparation and I have been talking about the efforts we have exerted to come up with our presentation.It's good that it has paid off.
Yesterday, we had our dress rehearsal. The venue was huge though it's familiar to me since we have had our previous Christmas parties there before but this time it's different. I was one of those performing before a handful of audience including the judges and our company's top officials.
Everything has to be done in sync since each team was only given with an hour to complete the dress rehearsal.
We were able to make three runs. Each run has caused my heart to flutter.
We went straight to the hotel to wash and dress up then straight back to the (Philippine) World Trade Center.
Our group was the defending champion ergo, we were the last to perform last night, the fifth one that is.
Seeing the performance of the first three groups, I personally believed that we were still in the game. The fourth group did Ricky Martin. While the group was performing, we were back stage to prep. All we can hear were the loud audience responses. I thought they were bringing it.
Our time has come....a roar from the audience started. I had a hard time breathing in bonnet.
I'm glad my adrenalin kicked in. It was a fight moment. We delivered!
The judges were astounded. One commented that she felt like she was transported to Caesar's Palace. We were ecstatic because it was the concept of our performance. To showcase Celine Dion's recently concluded Las Vegas show.

I'm not a jinx after all.
I'll be posting more pictures soon.