It's good hear from other people that when good things come their way, the first words that come out of their mouth are: Thank you Lord. It as simple as returning back the glory.
Like my officemate who is not, if I may say like me, a "hardcore" Christian. I mean we're both not the ones who read the bible (which I know should not be), but every time she gets a good news or she would says: Thank you po Jesus!
It hurts my ear to hear people curse or say profanities.
I have been encouraging my officemates who also have blogs to join TT or promoting TT to my non-blogger officemates by just asking them to visit the site of those who are at least commenting on my entries for them to get inspired.
I have been always thankful to have joined this meme because it made me realize so many wonderful things ni my life and to become more appreciative of it. And I know that He's glorified for it.
People in this meme are wonderful warriors of God. I'm not speaking of myself because i know that I have so much to prove.
Thankful I am because I was able to hear the morning sermon today. Sad because my sister was not able to join me. It was a miscommunication. I did not hear her clock alarm so I thought she'll join the evening congregation and I did not wake her up. Only to find out that the alarm clock was trapped under her pillow and she did not hear it ring either.
I'm thankful that when I opened my e-mail, I've got an opportunity to earn extra.
I'm also thankful for Tim who continuously giving me that opportunity.
For all the things that coming in to my life, I return the glory to Him.

I am also thankful for joining TT- it makes me take time each week to remember how blessed I am.
Our Happy Happenings
Livin' With Me
I don't read the bible daily, too ... but everytime something good happens we also say the same thing (Thank You, Lord). :)
Earning something extra through blogging is really a great opportunity, and I'm thankful that you've been given the chance. :)
Blessings ...
My Thankful Thursday post
Thanks for sharing your gratefulness.
thanks for the reminder, I really should read my bible every day instead of less regularly.
God Bless you and FANTASTIC blog..I lvoe it.
This is my first week and I love reading everyone's thankful thoughts. It's beautiful!
Although I have to keep working on it, I do know that my gratitude is more genuine since starting TT.
Thanks so much for sharing today!
You always have the sweetest post. You seem to be thankful from your heart and that is a blessing. We all need to be that way. I enjoy my visits here. Thanks for sharing! Happy TT! God Bless~
It's just right to thank Him for all our blessings.
I'm thinking of joining TT too.
Happy Friday sis.
Thanks for sharing and being transparent. I think alot of Christians (including me) struggle with the discipline of reading the Bible. It's proven true in my life, the more Word I get in me, the more power I have to walk in victory in my life. Which I like! I actually asked God to give me a hunger and thirst for His Word. And He's been faithful to do that for me. Blessings on your day.
I am glad that you have pointed out to be thankful with the right heart :)
I am sorry that your sister missed to go with you to get encouraged. Maybe next time.
It has taking me a very long time to read my Bible on a daily basis - little steps are good :)
Thank you so much for sharing your grateful heart with us this week again :)
Blessings to you and yours.
May you be sweetly blessed.
I don't talk about my religious beliefs very much on my blog.. maybe I should a bit more.
I strongly believe in the power of prayer.
I have learned that not only is it important to say "thank you" when good things happen, but also when things you might perceive as "bad" do.
There is always to be thankful for in any situation.
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