I started to blog using my Friendster (this is big in our country) account mid last year. It was just my outlet. I have written things that have affected my life. Nothing too serious because my anonymity was not kept and basically Friendster is a network of friends and family.
I started to get a space in the blogolandia (as what I call it) in November. My very own Morning Sniffles. It was some sort of private then because I was not so sure if I want people I know to take a peek into my pensive. When a couple of my officemates found out about my “private” space, I then decided to go “public”.
I’m now on my fourth month of blogging.
Opportunities to earn extra are just within my reach. It took me a while to decide whether I want to go commercial blogging or just keep it personal. I sincerely enjoy writing not hardcore writing though. My first college degree was Journalism.
As I plan to quit my well-compensated rank-and-file job (that has fed me and family for almost 8 years) to go for a not-so-greener pasture, I need a source of income so as not to compromise my financial obligations.
It’s a shame but practicing nursing profession here in my country is not financially rewarding. Thing is I really wanted to be a healthcare provider that is why I took Nursing.
One of the opportunities I’m considering is writing for Blogsvertise. I love to write but not on the hard sell part.
Good thing about Blogsvertise is that they would let you write about product or service as if you are just talking about it with a friend over a cup of coffee. Just a mention of the website and voila! Instant bucks added to your PayPal account.
Good thing I was able fix the mess with my PayPal account because I have signed up for Blogsvertise. Please do support me on this one.
As I do commercial blogging, I’m promising that majority of my entries would still be my personal ones. I love my space. It has been my emotional and intellectual (?) channel for quite sometime already.

I hope it works out well for you!
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