Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The reality

I have known Crestor even before I started to practice my profession as a cardiac nurse. I have popped the pill for over a year in an attempt to lower my cholesterol level. I had leg and total body cramps that really crippled me for a few moments. I remember dropping my toothbrush as my hand got stiff while doing my oral care. I thought that I was losing potassium in body as I was being diuresed also. I told my doctor about it and he immediately asked me to stop taking in Crestor.
I learned that Crestor can result in some serious injuries like heart attacks and heart failure. There were noted serious side effects that include cardiomyopathy (deterioration of the myocardium), rhabdomyolysis (breakdown of muscle fibers), and ventricular dysfunction. I was really horrified to learn about these stuff including the Crestor lawsuit that many people have filed.

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